My life in computer world, as opposed to living outdoors, has given me at least some nice discoveries in applications department. Here are some Windows programs and Chrome extensions I highly recommend.
SCRIVENER- if you write, especially if you write a lot & professionally, you can't go wrong with this one.
FREEDOM- life saver for all us internet addicts. The only thing it does is cutting you offline for certain time. It works miracles.
LIBREOFFICE- you don't need MS Office any more, really.
µTORRENT- you know, for torrents.
MUSICBEE- I was experimenting with music players, as I'm quite old fashioned in this realm, playing mostly music from my hard disk drive, not streaming from the internet. I couldn't get used to Spotify nor Pandora nor nor Soundcloud. I was one of the last Mohicans, using Winamp, then Clementine, and then MusicBee, which I found the one to rule them all.
Chrome Extensions:
ADBLOCK- this is a superb, extremely helpful tool, especially appreciated by heavy YouTube users. This extension kills ads and popups in a very efficient way. I honestly forgot already that there are some adds on YouTube forcing you to wait. Thanks to AdBlock you don't wait.
HOVER ZOOM - another simple, but surprisingly powerful thing. Enlarges thumbnails on mouse over. I use it dozens times a day.
POCKET - neatly collects things you want to read later on the internet.
STUMBLEUPON- discover something out of the internet, that is not necessary Facebookish nor Twitterish.
GOOGLE DICTIONARY - a brilliant, instant way to get the definition of a word just by highlighting it in a text, delivered with pronunciation. I simply love it.
There's one more thing worth mentioning. For most of us it's not adding, but removing what makes a difference. So when you're not happy with a program you use for years, look for the alternative or just get rid of it. There's a lot going on in the apps domain, why don't we refresh our options.